"i came ... i saw ... i conquered"
My favourite thing is to go where I've never been. -- Diane Arbus

One of my life's goals is to see the beauty this world has to offer ... and if travelling is the only way to reach that goal, then so be it. Just give me a good destination and together with my travel buddies and my trusty camera, we'll make time for it and we'll be there...if you're as interested, come join me and see the world through my eyes .... ENJOY!!!

the gateway arch, westward and beyond

  ...the gateway arch. also known as the gateway to the west, located in st. louis, missouri, hovering 630 ft from the ground, it is considered the tallest monument in the US...

this is the first national monument i got to see together with my family (my first ever were the ones in DC which i saw with friends), we just arrived in the US (less than a month to be exact) and my husband's sister and brother-in-law were very kind to give us a tour around st. louis ... and this started my refrigerator magnet collection.
    you get to ride a tram all the way up, it'll be just like an elevator ride, it's a quick one but unlike elevators, you don't feel like it "bumps" you to the next floor, it's a smooth ride. they have videos telling the story of how the structure was created, whose idea was it and who created it. actually, this is a good way to get you busy while waiting for your turn hehe...when you're up there you can see the stadium where their baseball team (the cardinals) plays and you'll see the millenium (their rotating restaurant). on one side you'll also see the jefferson national expansion museum...
       and if you decide to look down 630ft from the top, somehow this is how it looks like------>;  i couldn't describe how it felt being up there but this monument is a must-see and truly a great architectural wonder!!

...appreciating God's wondrous paradise...